Wednesday 5 February 2014

So much for health and safety! Hilarious pictures from around the world show the workmen who somehow cheated death

Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers

Everyone has busy days at work, but for these workmen getting the job done seems to be of more importance than observing safety procedures.
An amusing set of photos have emerged that range from the ridiculous to downright dangerous.
Some of the workers seem quite content to endanger their lives to
get the job done quicker.

Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers

A particularly amusing photo shows a man dangling dangerously from a staircase in order to pin up a sign reading 'Think Safety First!'
A particularly amusing photo shows a man dangling dangerously from a staircase in order to pin up a sign reading 'Think Safety First!'

Some of the photos inspire fear - namely a man smoking a cigarette by a sign reading 'Danger flammable gas'
Some of the photos inspire fear - namely a man smoking a cigarette by a sign reading 'Danger flammable gas'

Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers.
Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers.
A man precariously uses two ladders to reach a tricky branch while on the right a pallet of bricks are propped up using a single column of bricks

In a bid to protect his eyes while using a power tool a man swaps safety specs for a clear plastic bucket over his head
In a bid to protect his eyes while using a power tool a man swaps safety specs for a clear plastic bucket over his head
One of them shows a man working on the underneath of a large green truck by propping it up using a few flimsy pieces of wood.
Another shows a roofer who refused to be stopped from reaching his target because his ladder was too short - so he just added another ladder on top.
A particularly amusing photo shows a man dangling dangerously from a staircase in order to pin up a sign reading 'Think Safety First!'
Some of the photos inspire fear - namedly a man smoking a cigarette by a sign reading 'Danger flammable gas' and a worker dangling down a manhole with his co-worker only holding on to his jeans for support.
A flimsy chair is sued to prop a car on its side while a man looks at the underneath of the car
A flimsy chair is sued to prop a car on its side while a man looks at the underneath of the car

Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers
Getting the job done is more important than observing safety procedures it would appear for these workers.
A man climbs over an air condoning unit to fix it, leaving his whole weight on the apparatus while a woman fixes a sign while a man holds a ladder

A man decides using a cherry picker is not an option and climbs a pole to fix some wiring
A man decides using a cherry picker is not an option and climbs a pole to fix some wiring

a worker dangling down a manhole with his co-worker only holding on to his jeans for support.
a worker dangling down a manhole with his co-worker only holding on to his jeans for support.
Workers are seen dangling down a manhole with only their co-workers holding on to their jeans for support

A man who is working on a window from the outside is held secure by his co-worker attaching a rope to his belt and holding on to it
A man who is working on a window from the outside is held secure by his co-worker attaching a rope to his belt and holding on to it

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