Wednesday 16 April 2014

Who needs The Terminator? Hugh Jackman's Wolverine

He has a bone to pick with someone: Beefcake Hugh Jackman's Wolverine travels to the past to stop robots ruining the future in the new X-Men: Days Of Future Past trailer
A hero travelling through time to avert a future ruined by homicidal robots seems like a familiar premise.
But movie hunk Hugh Jackman's hulking frame ensures The Terminator will be the last thing on anyone's mind as he assembles a superpowered team without parallel in the new X-Men: Days Of Future Past trailer.

The Australian beefcake is on top form as he tries to avert a dystopian future by roping in the young versions of the mutant team featured in 2011's First Class prequel to take part in a mission masterminded by Patrick Stewart's wily old Professor X.

He has a bone to pick with someone: Beefcake Hugh Jackman's Wolverine travels to the past to stop robots ruining the future in the new X-Men: Days Of Future Past trailer
He is shown taking on a massive mechanical assailant in one thrilling sequence, using his claws to mete out justice with ease.
But most interesting is the trailer's opening, where he tracks down James McAvoy's disillusioned young Charles Xavier and has to persuade him to again fight for his dream of a world where mutants and humans happily co-exist.
He tells him: 'Professor, your going to find this hard to believe. I was sent here for you from the future, 50 years from now.'
He then explains that mankind's very existence is under threat because of the rampaging robots. 
We robots: The Sentinels are supposed to wipe out mutants but end up putting all mankind at risk
We robots: The Sentinels are supposed to wipe out mutants but end up putting all mankind at risk

Can I help you officer? An unfortunate policemen may live to regret challenging the mechanical marvel
Can I help you officer? An unfortunate policemen may live to regret challenging the mechanical marvel

Not a fan of politics: The robot blows up the car and starts blasting at people at what appears to be a pro-mutant rally
Not a fan of politics: The robot blows up the car and starts blasting at people at what appears to be a pro-mutant rally
Run away: Wolverine and the young Beast are forced to follow Monty Python's King Arthur's first rule of combat
Run away: Wolverine and the young Beast are forced to follow Monty Python's King Arthur's first rule of combat

He says: 'In the begnning the sentinels were just targetting mutants. Then they began targetting everyone.

'I've come a long way to guide us, to bring us together, The X-Men. We need your help.
And when the young Professor says he should tell whoever sent him he is 'busy,' Wolvering replies, 'The person who sent me was you.'
Wolverine is then seen gathering together the rest of the mutants he needs to combat the threat, including Nicholas Hoult's The Beast and Evan Peters' Quicksilver.
But most importantly, they have to bust Magneto, the Yin to Professor X's Yang, out of a prison below The Pentagon.
Hugh can't be serious: In another sequence one of the robots decides to tackle The Wolverine
Hugh can't be serious: In another sequence one of the robots decides to tackle The Wolverine

Take that: But the mighty mutant is able to defeat the powerful android using his claws
Take that: But the mighty mutant is able to defeat the powerful android using his claws

Most intriguingly of all, viewers also see Peter Dinklage's Bolivar Trask, the villainous scientist who creates the powerful Sentinel robots as a means to wipe out mutants from the face of the Earth.
He is shown telling what appears to be a congressional committee: 'There is a new enemy out there. You'll need a new weapon for this war.'
The movie's director Brian Singer, who helmed the acclaimed first and second movies in the X-Men franchise, previously explained the concepts in the film, and how it differs from First Class.
He said: ''This is a story about a bad future, not a bad situation with an individual, but a bad future and how do you go back and change that.
Days of future: Their joints may be creaking more than ever before but the the original X-Men cast return to fight for right
Days of future: Their joints may be creaking more than ever before but the the original X-Men cast return to fight for right

Days of past: The plot will come to grinding halt if Wolverine cannot persuade James McAvoy's young Charles Xavier to help with the mission
Days of past: The plot will come to grinding halt if Wolverine cannot persuade James McAvoy's young Charles Xavier to help with the mission
Days of past: The plot will come to grinding halt if Wolverine cannot persuade James McAvoy's young Charles Xavier to help with the mission

First contact: But even the skeptical academic will not be able to resist the older version of himself
First contact: But even the skeptical academic will not be able to resist the older version of himself

'When I pitched X-Men: First Class it was always "how do I explain how Xavier and Magneto became friends?" and then frenemies, and this explains how they became Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan.
'Those incarnations of the characters, because look at who he was, this rich kid from Oxford and the other was off on a revenge mission.
'It wasn’t so much the belief system and in the end you have a hint of Patrick Stewart because Xavier is wheeling up to a school potentially, or to his mansion.
'And with Erik (Magneto) you have the same thing, you have Shaw’s theology, which he acknowledges agreeing to, but they haven’t put them into practice and you haven’t started to see them become those characters that you met in the early X-Men films. So you’ll get to watch that kind of happen.'
Big plan: Peter Dinklage's villainous scientist Bolivar Trask creates the Sentinels to wipe out mutants
Big plan: Peter Dinklage's villainous scientist Bolivar Trask creates the Sentinels to wipe out mutants

Retaining her Mystique: But Jennifer Lawrence's character is no longer the sweetheart from First Class
Retaining her Mystique: But Jennifer Lawrence's character is no longer the sweetheart from First Class

Magnetic personality: Michael Fassbender's young version of Magneto continues to develop in the film
Magnetic personality: Michael Fassbender's young version of Magneto continues to develop in the film

 Meanwhile Anna Paquin's cameo as Rogue has been put back into the final cut of the film, with her name now appearing in the trailer credits.
Bryan Singer had originally cut out the sequence she appeared in, but an outcry from fans led to a rethink.
The time bending affair, which also features Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan and Halle Berry, is due to be released on May 23.
Feeling blue: It is not long before Hank McCoy regains his usual appearance
Feeling blue: It is not long before Hank McCoy regains his usual appearance

Stormy weather: Halle Berry is electrifying for the brief moment she appears in the trailer
Stormy weather: Halle Berry is electrifying for the brief moment she appears in the trailer

The fast and the furious: Evan Peters' speedy Quicksilver annoys both Wolverine and Professor X
The fast and the furious: Evan Peters' speedy Quicksilver annoys both Wolverine and Professor X

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